Teaching and research in plant health in times of COVID-19

Alma Rosa Solano-Báez, Fernando Lara-Rojas, Guillermo Márquez-Licona


The current pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has led to radical changes in the teaching and research of plant health. Confinement forced us to make a rapid transition from the in-person model to virtual environments using different digital platforms such as Google, Microsoft Teams, Blackboard, Moodle. Research activities were planned based on a strict access schedule for students and academics when using research facilities. Theoretical subjects were taught in completely virtual settings, incorporating playful learning tools such as ‘flipped classroom’ and gamification. In theoretical-practical subjects, such as Introduction to Plant Pathology, new teaching schemes were designed. The most successful and innovative model was to take the laboratory to the student’s home. Students used conventional materials to isolate and identify phytopathogenic fungi through the Foldscope, a paper microscope with a resolution of up to two microns, priced less than 200 MXN. Teaching-learning innovation can improve the commonly adopted model of video conferences.


Foldscope; digital platforms; gamification of learning; SARS-CoV-2

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18781/R.MEX.FIT.2021-16


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