Diversity of endophytic bacteria associated with tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum)

Rosa María Longoria-Espinoza, Rubén Félix-Gastélum, Jesús D. Cordero-Ramírez


In this study, the objective was to identify the endophytic bacteria isolated from tomato plants and characterize them based on properties that promote plant growth. Collections of asymptomatic tomato plants of the Missouri variety were carried out. The tissues (root, stem and leaves) were superficially sterilized, macerated and seeded in nutrient agar. Additionally, seeds were sown in vitro (THB and SUN6366) and the same procedure was performed on the tissue. With the obtained bacterial isolates, some plant growth promoting activities were analyzed (production of siderophores, chitinase and phosphate solubilization). The bacteria obtained were morphologically identified and sequenced. 25 isolates were obtained: 10 in vitro (50 plants) and 15 field (20 plants). Seven axenic isolates (one in vitro and six field isolates) were molecularly identified as Methylobacterium radiotolerans, Shinella sp., Burkholderia cepacia, Sphingobium herbicidovorans, Pseudomonas sp., Achromobacter xylosoxidans and Rhizobium radiobacter. Methylobacterium isolated in vitro, without reports in tomato plants. Approximately 86% of the isolates showed at least one beneficial activity, related to plant growth and health. Pseudomonas, Burkholderia and Rhizobium presented high phosphate-solubilizing capacity. These results allow us to suppose that the endophytic bacteria in tomato show potential to be used as bioinoculants in other crops of agricultural importance.


Bacterial endophytes; Methylobacterium; siderophores; Rhizobium; growth prometer

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18781/R.MEX.FIT.2002-7


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