Effect of biocontrol and promotion of peanut growth by inoculating Trichoderma harzianum and Bacillus subtilis under controlled conditions and field

Camila Illa, Alejandro Andrés Pérez, Matias Torassa, Maria Alejandra Pérez


Peanut production in Argentina suffers severe fluctuations, mainly due to fungal diseases and its control with chemical treatments is inefficient, with biological control being a management alternative that would contribute to the sustainability of the production system. This research aimed to evaluate the effect of biocontrol and growth promotion on peanuts by inoculating Trichoderma harzianum CT306 and Bacillus subtilis CT104 under controlled conditions and field. The tests were carried out in pots with controlled conditions (25 °C, 12 hours light) with peanut seeds Var. Granoleic infected with Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium sp., Sclerotinia minor and Thecaphora frezzi. In plants grown to 60 DDS, absence of A. flavus and Fusarium sp. when applying biological alone and in combination; while the joint application with T. harzianum and Bacillus caused the absence of S. minor and low incidence of T. frezzi. In field evaluations, biological treatments increase the emergency percentage (37%) and at the end of the cycle there was a 14% reduction in the incidence of T. frezzi, an increase in biomass (27%), yield (46%) and grain size (34%) with respect to the check, without affecting the degree of maturity reached.


Arachis hypogaea; yield; Biological Control Agents

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