Effect of different the culture media in the production of biomass and ergosterol in Rhizopus stolonifer

Mónica Hernández-López, Silvia Bautista-Baños, Rosa Isela Ventura-Aguilar, Ana Guadalupe Abarca-Franco


The utility of synthetic culture media is to provide a blend of nutrients required by microorganisms to optimize their growth. The disease called soft rot is caused by Rhizopus stolonifer. The biomass (mg) and ergosterol (%) production of two isolates of R. stolonifer of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) incubated in six culture media with different C/N composition was evaluated in vitro for 25 days at 28 °C. Previously, the culture media evaluated were characterized (carbohydrate, protein and C / N content). The data were analyzed through a completely randomized experimental design and a Tukey means comparison test (p?0.05). The results showed that the extracts of Malta and Sabouraud (SAB) had 3 to 50% more carbohydrates than the other culture media. The SAB medium showed 50 to 100% more proteins, while in the C/N ratio of the mineralized medium (MN) had the highest value (100.5). Regarding biomass production, with the V8 juice extract, both of R. stolonifer isolates had the highest production (c.a 40 mg). The highest quantification of ergosterol (0.00012%) was with the MN medium.


carbon; nitrogen; C/N; dry weight; in vitro

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18781/R.MEX.FIT.1903-4


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