Effects of climatological factors on fluctuation of spores at mango trees cv. Ataulfo, Guerrero, Mexico

David Heriberto Noriega Cantú, Juan Pereyda Hernández, Eduardo Raymundo Garrido Ramírez


The seasonal fluctuation of spores of the principal pathogens of mango was determined in San Jerónimo, Guerrero, Mexico. During the period October 2011 to December 2012 quantifications of total spores of Colletotrichum sp., Cladosporium sp. and Lasiodiplodia sp., were made at tree canopy level. Captured total spores occurred throughout the study period, with monthly variation; detecting peaks in September and October during the preflowering stage, with 1,844 total spores/week. Other peaks are in the second week of November, the third week of January and April, flowering and fruit growth, with 531, 648 and 1,139 total spores/ week respectively. Low populations occur in May, June, July and august, during vegetative growth. The largest populations of Cladosporium sp., spores (1,533 spores/week), were in October coinciding with Colletotrichum sp., (160 spores/week). To Lasiodiplodia sp. the highest concentration was in September with 92 spores/week. The relative humidity was correlated with populations of Colletotrichum sp. (α <0.011), Lasiodiplodia sp. (α <0.009) and total spores (α <0.035). The dew point was correlated with Colletotrichum sp. (α <0.008) and total spores (α <0.059). The rain rate was positively correlated with Colletotrichum sp. (α <0.002) and Lasiodiplodia sp. (α <0.031). Using this information, modifications are proposed to the conventional management of diseases such as anthracnose and peduncle blight and rot.


Colletotrichum; Cladosporium; Lasiodiplodia; weather

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18781/R.MEX.FIT.1610-1


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